New orders are shipping in 3 - 4 weeks.
Fast and Free Shipping

Why FREE SHIPPING on most items? We include the price of shipping, on most of our items, because we believe the cost of shipping matters when buying a product online.
Items are shipped with assembly instructions and all necessary hardware.
We ship FedEx Ground. FREE shipping to the lower 48 states, US. Our average delivery time is 7 to 15 business days for most orders and we do our best to get orders shipped to you as soon as possible. Our priority is to maintain the quality you expect from our handcrafted furniture. When we receive your order, we create the FedEx shipping label to enable us to ship your order as soon as it is ready. When your order begins transit, you will receive a tracking update from FedEx notifying you of the status of your shipment and expected delivery date.
You can find more detailed information by reading our Shipping Policy.
Once your order is received you will receive an email confirmation.
We will notify you by email when your order ships. Please be sure to provide a valid phone number and email address when placing your order.
Once the item is shipped, transit time averages 3-5 business days.
We are not required to collect sales tax on orders that are shipped outside the state of Indiana. If you will be picking up your items or if they will be shipped within the state of Indiana, sales tax will apply.
We do ship internationally, please contact us for shipping quotes.
Please inspect your order to ensure no damage has occurred during transit. If you discover damage, please note the damage on the bill of lading before signing it. Please contact us within 7 days and we will assist you with filing a damage claim and replacing the damaged item.